Enlightened Health & Safety – a smart view from the HSE

Dame Judith Hackitt, HSE Chair, delivered a common sense approach to Health & Safety the other night at the Royal Academy of Engineers. This comes on the back of a speech from David Cameron in 2012 to small businesses in which he declared a “war against the excessive health and safety culture that has become an albatross around the neck of British businesses”.

What is striking is the attack on paperwork & processes and that ‘following the rules’ is no defense when the rules are inappropriate. Reasonable, sensible and proportionate are the new pillars, and not a no blame culture, but a just culture is what is preached.

The HSE has just launched a new strategy:

Helping Great Britain work well – http://www.hse.gov.uk/strategy/index.htm

The full presentation can be found under the Archives section RAEng

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