The digital President

President Tim Broyd presented what is a ‘non-negotiable’ future for engineers. Digital is the next revolution. For those engineers who dont watch / read the address maybe they can ponder the difference between Innovation and Invention unaided. A must for...

Costain & ICE Safety Lecture

Preventing a re-occurrence – what organisations do to embed lessons (now available of the ICE website – Recorded Events) A brilliant overview of how to manage the topic of Health & Safety – covering areas such as the use of leading indicators to...

Book 8 – The Business of Excellence

The Business of Excellence – Building high performance teams and organisations Why: From building organisational capability to just being a more effective manager/ leader – this book covers both Quote: “if I appear always prepared, it is because before entering...

Book 7: Leadership – Navy style

Book 7: Leadership lessons from the US Navy – i challenge anyone to not benefit from these insights It’s your ship – Management techniques from the best damn ship in the navy Why: A valuable account of how leadership can work Engineers need to influence up...

Learn from Google’s quest to build the perfect team

The importance of team working or collaboration could not be higher and this article is a nice reminder of some of the fundamentals. What is interesting to reflect on is that whilst the findings are not rocket science they do suggest that making an effort to be better...